The Public’s Radio is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (Federal Tax ID: 05-0498502).
More than 90% of our funding comes from the community we share and serve. See our Donor Bill of Rights here.

The financial support of individual listeners—our members—provides the largest and most reliable source of funding at The Public’s Radio, accounting for more than half of our revenue. The larger our foundation of members, the stronger we are! Whether you choose sustaining membership with ongoing monthly donation, or make a one-time gift, your support is vital. 

Support the local journalism you trust while positioning your business in front of an informed, connected and engaged audience! Learn more here.

Free up space in your garage or driveway while turning your unused vehicle into nonprofit local journalism! We accept cars, trucks, RVs (and some boats) in all conditions. Find out more and start the process by calling our vehicle donation line at 855-277-2346. Or, you can start the process online here.

If you have a real estate asset that is costing you money or not being utilized, donating your property to The Public’s Radio can have a significant impact and may come with a significant tax deduction! Click here to learn more or call 844-277-HOME (4663).  

Whether you are looking to donate stock, give through a donor-advised fund or make an IRA charitable rollover, there are multiple ways to support nonprofit local journalism that have additional tax advantages.

By including The Public’s Radio in your estate plans as a complement to your annual support, your gift continues beyond your lifetime and helps ensure trusted nonprofit local journalism well into the future.

Many companies will match their employees’ donations to The Public’s Radio. It’s a great way to double or even triple the value of your support!