Posted inEnvironment, Possibly Podcast

How will Providence make its buildings carbon neutral?

Providence has set the goal of being carbon neutral by 2050. And recently, the city government passed a new ordinance to help it meet that goal.

Posted inEnvironment, Possibly Podcast

How can I explain climate change to my friends and family?

Talking about climate change is never easy. Today, we get some tips from five experts on how to do it gracefully.

Posted inEnvironment, Possibly Podcast

Whose behavior really affects the water supply?

Last week we learned that individuals’ home water consumption doesn’t really make a dent in the water supply, and the benefit of personal water conservation is saving energy. So, who does affect the water supply? And why should they conserve water?

Posted inEnvironment, Possibly Podcast

Why should I use less water in a wet state like Rhode Island?

Saving water might not seem all that important in a humid climate like Rhode Island. But actually, there are plenty of reasons why water conservation is always a good idea for people and the planet.

Posted inEnvironment, Possibly Podcast

Do bottle bills work?

Today’s question comes from a listener here in Rhode Island. They’ve been following local efforts to start a deposit recycling program for bottles and cans like some other states have, and they’re wondering, do these incentive programs really work?

Posted inEnvironment, Possibly Podcast

Can I trust the solar panel companies that knock on my door?

Recently, I’ve had a lot of people knocking on my door, trying to sell me solar panels. It happened just last week! I wanted to find out if they are legit.

Posted inEnvironment, Possibly Podcast

How does Rhode Island’s new community choice aggregation program work?

Today, we’re taking a look at Rhode Island’s new energy program, community choice aggregation, and unpacking what it means for consumers.

Posted inEnvironment, Possibly Podcast

Should I wrap my presents in fabric or paper?

Today, we have a question from a listener named Susan. She wants to know about gift wrapping: “Is it better for the environment to wrap Christmas gifts in fabric you can use over again rather than paper?”

Posted inEnvironment, Possibly Podcast

What does the future of natural gas look like in Rhode Island? Part 2

Megan Hall: Welcome to Possibly, where we take on huge problems like the future of our planet and break them down into small questions with unexpected answers. I’m Megan Hall.  Today, we’re continuing our coverage of the future of energy in Rhode Island. Since the state burns too much natural gas to reach net-zero by […]

Posted inEnvironment, Possibly Podcast

What does the Future of Natural Gas Look Like in Rhode Island? Part 1

It’s getting colder, and a lot of people are turning on their furnaces. Many of those run on “natural” gas, which is basically methane, a potent greenhouse gas. So, what do we do about these emissions?